Our Staff


Front Desk


Reception Team

Denise, Leonie, Arlene, Lisa, Rhiannon, Maddi, Katie, Chloe and Trish are able to assist in matters such as new patient registrations, appointments, services and other enquiries.


Denise Grieve Leonie Rousch Arlene Faulkhead
 ▲ Denise  ▲ Leonie  ▲ Arlene
Lisa Pigot Rhiannon Small Madeleine Hodge
 ▲ Lisa  ▲ Rhiannon  ▲ Maddi
Katie Irvin Chloe Roache Trish Curtis
 ▲ Katie  ▲ Chloe  ▲ Trish


 Nursing and Clinical Support

Catherine RN, Therese RN, and Liz RN provide such general nursing services as blood pressure checks, wound dressings, immunisations, plaster cast checks, removal of sutures, assisting in surgical procedures, chronic disease support, managing patient reminders and performing lung function testing. Appointments with our Practice Nurses can be made via reception.

Catherine Dickson   Therese Norrish   Elizabeth Moyle
 ▲ Catherine    ▲ Therese    ▲ Liz


Sophie RN is our Chronic Disease Nurse Manager. She provides administrative and practical support to patients with complex medical conditions who may be eligible for additional allied-health services, such as the Government Enhanced Primary Care program. Please speak with your doctor to enquire about your eligibility for these services.

Sophie Kerr
 ▲ Sophie 


Practice Management

Our Practice Manager is Ms Susanne Hodge, who is supported by Ms Bree Temby, Assistant Practice Manager. Any business related queries should be directed towards either Susanne or Bree.

Susanne Hodge   Bree Temby
 ▲ Susanne    ▲ Bree 




